ART-17 Mural Camp
In summer 2021 I lead a one-week mural camp for Association ART-17 in Sion, Switzerland, where the teens got to ideate, prep and paint their very own mural! We started off by looking for inspiration around town, where they collected as many ideas in their sketchbooks as possible. They then developed their sketches into unique patterns, practiced presenting their work, and learned to offer constructive feedback in group critiques. Together, we prepped the wall and painted the white base layer, before they got their hands dirty learning how to use paint markers and making their patterns extra big. Finally, they got to painting the mural, where every teen contributed their own unique patterns! The end result is a fun, collaborative mural full of their good spirit, aptly named “Imagine-à-Sion” based on all the imagination and inspiration they extracted around the town of Sion.
Client: ART-17
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5